Our 1912 antique dining room set was short 4 chairs when my husband and I purchased it off craigslist. The set included a buffet, china cabinet, table, and 6 chairs. The table seats 10, so we planned to purchase 4 additional chairs once we found something we liked. Initially, I thought I'd find wood chairs, similar to the ones that came with the set, and possibly treat them with paint so they differ. One day, I saw some great chairs online that nearly matched the chairs I had, except they were painted gloss black and reupholstered in zebra fabric. I really liked the chairs but I wasn't ready to commit and would have to drive 2 hours to purchase them.
Then one day I was at Home Goods and found these great red leather Parsons chairs for $40 on clearance. After calling 10 stores in the metro-Detroit area and driving an hour out of my way, I had the 4 I needed! I love the way the red leather breaks up the wood, adds color, texture and a contemporary look!
You will also see in the photos that my husband graciously re-covered the seats of the wooden chairs with zebra pattern -- just like the chairs I saw online. I purchased a shower curtain at WalMart for $13 and it covered all 6 chairs! Again, a fun way to add subtle texture and depth! (A big thanks to The Nate Berkus Show for this great tip. Recover upholstered chairs with a shower curtain -- its inexpensive and the fabric is treated to reject water and stains!) Here are detailed before and after shots of the chairs:
I love the bird-themed finds that are so popular right now: bedding, accessories, even adorable drawer pulls! When I'm out-and-about treasure hunting I have to get my self-control in check to avoid buying everything with our feathered friends on them! Anyway, here is a cool find I didn't pass up. I bought these guys at a consignment store for about $4 each -- cute shape, but not-so-cute color.
So, I decided to paint them a matte white -- actually, I just used white primer. Keep in mind, since they were glossy, I roughed them up with sandpaper first Then, after a coat of primer, I sanded the edges again to give them the shabby chic look. So cute, huh? :)